Transforming My Smile #2 - My Invisalign Ride

Under the heading of “This is hard To Believe” is the fact that I’ve been in Invisalign treatment with Dr. Linaker now for over 36 weeks. I’m on my 18th set of Aligners and the changes are so obvious, at least to me.
I have grown to absolutely love the feeling of having my aligners in, especially when I put in a new set and they’re snug, because I know that means progress. I’ve been wearing rubber bands with my aligners for a couple of months and that is going great. Yes, I have yawned with them in and snapped myself in the lip, but outside of that, elastic wear has gone really well also. And the best part is that Dr. Linaker can tell that my bite is lining up slowly but surely.
Snacking wasn’t deterred for long, in fact I’ve unfortunately become very good at popping my aligners out to grab some chips or cookies. Then it’s a quick rinse and I pop them back in. My hopes of perhaps losing a little weight during my treatment were swiftly dashed, mostly due to my complete lack of will power.
As for cleaning my aligners, I learned that there are several types of mouthwash that turn my aligners blue or green, so to be safe I’ve been soaking mine in clear whitening mouthwash while I brush or eat. I then just brush them lightly. When I first started in treatment, I would soak them in whatever mouthwash we had on hand at home, usually blue, then scrub them with my brush. I noticed that the aligners would get a little cloudy after about a week but when I soak them in a clear mouthwash and brush them gently they stay clear and sparkly. (And FYI for you thrifty shoppers like me, my favorite clear mouthwash is the Equate whitening rinse from Walmart.)
So I’m well over half way done with my treatment and can honestly say it’s one of my best decisions. I can’t wait to show you all the perfect finished smile that’s just a few months away.

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