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Orthodontic and Dental Health Resolutions for 2018

January 9th, 2018


2018 is upon us and with a new year usually comes a plethora of articles and posts regarding healthy resolutions. Why should we be any different? Resolutions are a good idea no matter how long they last. Here are some ideas for orthodontic and dental health resolutions that you might want to include in your list for 2018 from us at Linaker Orthodontics.

Linaker Ortho Resolution #1: Excellent oral hygiene every day

Good Oral Hygiene is important whether you wear braces, Invisalign, retainers or nothing at all, but because braces create places where food remnants and bacteria can get trapped, you will need to pay special attention if you are in treatment. Leaving remnants of food and bacteria in your mouth, can cause gingivitis, calcium buildup, and cavities. In more extreme cases, failing to clean your teeth well with braces can lead to demineralization of your teeth.
At Linaker Orthodontics we recommend the Oral B precision toothbrush to get the best results. Your proxy interdental brush and floss threaders are also effective if you are wearing braces. If you need a refresher on how to keep your teeth clean with braces just ask us, we’re happy to go over the best techniques with you again.

Linaker Ortho Resolution #2: Schedule and keep your regular dental appointments

While you are undergoing treatment with us, you need to make sure that your dentist and hygienist see you for your twice yearly hygiene visits too. Occasionally you may need to have an extra cleaning, depending on your oral hygiene circumstances Some dentists require you to have your wires removed for these appointments. No problem. Schedule an appointment immediately before and after your dentist visit, with our office, and we will remove and replace them in no time. This takes some coordination however, so be sure to contact us well in advance.

Linaker Ortho Resolution #3: Wearing your retainers every day in 2018

Retainers are vital to making sure your smile lasts a lifetime, and you’ll need to wear them every day to make sure they’re effective. Remember, it’s not just while you’re sleeping but 10-12 hours every day. If you’ve recently had your braces removed, are getting them off in 2018 or finishing with Invisalign, resolve to wear your retainers exactly as instructed.

Linaker Ortho Resolution #4: Less sugar and more water

If there’s one simple thing you can do to improve the health of your teeth, it’s cutting down on sugary snacks and drinks. Sugar interacts with bacteria in the mouth to form acids that eat away at tooth enamel, which can cause decay. Cutting back on sugar will not only benefit your teeth, but your overall health in general.
Did you know that the role of saliva is to keep your mouth clean, and that drinking water helps encourage saliva production? Water will also help flush pieces of food from your braces. And of course in our Southern Arizona climate, even in the winter, hydration is vital. Drinking more water is a win win.

Linaker Ortho Resolution #5: Keep all of your appointments at our office

We love seeing you and keeping your appointments will help keep your treatment with braces or Invisalign on track. Your smile will thank you!

Your Linaker Ortho Family wishes you a happy and a healthy New Year!

Resolve to Have a Healthy Smile

December 30th, 2013

While you're busy making your list of New Year's resolutions about saving more money and going to the gym, Linaker Orthodontics suggests that you make a few for your teeth, too! Here are six resolutions we found that will help keep your smile healthy and bright for 2014.
1) Floss every day – As the saying goes, "You don't have to floss all your teeth, only the ones you want to keep." Floss removes plaque that can't be removed by brushingAs we age, the leading cause of tooth loss is not cavities or trauma but gum (periodontal) disease. Flossing is the best prevention of periodontal disease.
2) Brush two times a day – Two is the magic number. Be sure to brush your teeth morning and night, for 2 minutes each time
3) See your dentist every 6 months -- Regular check-ups are the key to prevention. A visit to your dentist on a regular basis allows for potential problems to be prevented and new problems to be caught early.
4) Quit smoking -- Smoking causes discoloration to teeth, bad breath and, of course, cancers of the mouth and other parts of the body.
5) Cut down on sugary drinks, like soda and sports drinks -- Carbonated soft drinks have a lot of sugar and acids that can cause tooth decay. Juices and sports drinks also contain too much sugar. And diet sodas still have the acids that can erode your teeth. Best bet? Drink water! And at least rinse your mouth with water after having one of the other drinks.
6) Change your toothbrush every 3 months – Over time, the bristles on toothbrushes become frayed and worn with use, decreasing the effectiveness of removing plaque. If you’re already an orthodontic patient with braces, you may have to replace your toothbrush more often, as the brackets create additional wear and tear on the bristles.
Healthier teeth can lead to a brighter smile and more smiling puts you and the people around you in a happier mood. Smiles are very important to us, so we want to see you make sure you attain your very best smile! Linaker Orthodontics wishes all of our patients a very happy and successful New Year!

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