7 Quick Tips To Avoid Bad Breath

Bad breath (halitosis) is an extremely frustrating condition that makes many people become secluded from social life.

They are simply too embarrassed to speak in public or to get near someone out of fear the other person will sense the bad breath.

Here are a few tips that will help you fight off more efficiently bad breath:

1. You should not use mouthwashes and rinses that contain alcohol. These will only dry out the mouth even more, and such a dry environment is what bacteria like to reside in.

Instead, try a mixture of half water and half hydrogen peroxide to rinse the mouth. Hydrogen peroxide is known as a very efficient enemy of the bacteria, which reside inside the mouth.

2. Freshen up your breath by adding a few drops of tea tree oil or peppermint oil on your toothbrush. These essential oils do not only help refreshing your breath, but they also have strong antibacterial properties.

3. People struggling with bad breath should always rinse their mouths thoroughly after each meal. This way, all the food particles are eliminated, and the bacteria do not get a chance to develop.

4. Many people brush only their teeth extremely rigorously. However, it is very important to brush the tongue as well (using a special tongue scraper). The tongue actually traps all kinds of bacteria that bring about the bad breath condition.

5. People struggling with bad breath, usually have a dry mouth. This is why hydration is extremely important. Drink plenty of water, and remember to swoosh it around in your mouth in order to eliminate all the food particles. Also, help saliva production by chewing on sugarless gum or a lozenge.

6. Caffeine and alcohol consumption will dry your mouth even more. If possible, give up consuming these beverages.

7. Nicotine is also a huge enemy of health in general and oral health in particular. The nicotine and tar builds up on your teeth, on the interior of your cheeks and the tongue.

Moreover, smoking will only dry the mouth even more, and saliva will not be produced in needed amounts.


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